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biodegradable pvc resin

Do you know what PVC is? PVC is polyvinyl chloride. A type of plastic, this is widely used by people because it cheap and very tough. PVS is found in lots of things including pipes, toys and even some clothing. But, general purpose PVC is terrible for the planet. It takes a long but when we dispose of it And maybe even worse, when it does finally breakdown, chemicals harmful to the environment and our health are released into the air and soil.

Fortunately, scientists have developed a new type of PVC that comes under the category of biodegradable polymers. This is a special form for PVC as it made from the new Patent resin that bio-degrade after some matter of time. This makes it wildly preferable to standard PVC, which can linger in landfills over five hundred years before starting its slow breakdown.

Eco-friendly plastics for a sustainable future

Regular PVC Containment, generates much pollution in air. This pollution also can cause illness in people — such as lung problems, since it is imported on a daily basis [says Polluted Air]. Given that PVC biodegradable, it is a product from which harmful substances do not go into the environment. It makes it a much friendlier plastic for our planet and helps to keep the air we breathe cleaner.

For years scientists have struggled to create biodegradable PVC. And they found out that a special resin in the material shrinks and breaks down by itself after some years. The resin is derived from bio-based sources, and the material itself can be biodegraded. Small soil organisms such as bacteria and fungi can help decompose it.

Why choose Richest Group biodegradable pvc resin?

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